

Call the Parish Office for more information 928-684-2096


Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de Comunion

Judy Harring

Bellanira Rodriguez/ Elizabeth Carrasco

 A response to your Baptismal call to serve God's

people by assisting the Priest in distribution of

the Precious Body and Blood at Mass.


Ministers of Care

Genny Henry

Establishes and provides a supportive and caring

connection to the Parishioner's who are absent due to illness.  



Lory Loredo

Serves the Liturgical needs of the Parish and Mass and also

washing, pressing, and folding Altar Linen's used daily at Mass.


 Altar Servers/Monaguillos

Shanalyn Valles

Altar Servers Minister to God's Altar with

reverence, dignity, and love.


Money Counters

Alison Hastert

Accurately counts and deposits all monies collected

in weekly and special Masses.


Arts and Environment

Karla Mortimer & Lory Loredo 

Keeps the Church in liturgical décor according to

the Liturgical Seasons of the Catholic Church.


Gift Shop

Martha & Pete Hernandez

Provides attractive Catholic gifts and literature

for the shopping pleasure of our Parishioner's and visitors.


Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer Cenacle

Ed Cumella 

Will Burdick

Elizabeth Dominguez

Sharing the love of Our Blessed Mother

through the recitation of the Rosary as

requested at Fatima

Saturday's @ 4pm



Rosemary Peterson

Dora Ruiz/Maria Sedano

Lector's bring the power of the Word of God

and love of scriptures to others.



Tom Richmieier

Samuel Juarez

Creates a welcoming atmosphere for Parishioner's

and visitors in a kind and courteous manner.



English Music- Karen Lamontage

Spanish Music- Raul Colima / Juan Anaya

Brings together talented voices of all ages who enjoy

singing traditional hymns and other sacred music

for our Parish worship and other services.


Environmental Services

Elizabeth Dominguez

Maintains the cleanliness of the Church interior

and all ancillary rooms contained within the Church premises.


Finance Council

 Dr. Ed Cumella- President

An advisory and consultative body to the Pastor

relating to budgeting, income, and expenses and all

projects related to maintaining a positive financial picture.


Parish Council

Karla Mortimer

An advisory and consultative body working in harmony with

the Pastor and representing all members of the Parish community.


Martha's Circle

Barb Baxter

Provides comfort to mourning families by providing refreshments

for family and friends following a funeral.


Knights of Columbus

Grand Knight: Mike Hastert

Main focus is charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism  by example making our

presence visible in the Parish and throughout the community

as part of Catholic evangelization.